
Car Wash Reflections

As I look back on the car wash from Monday I am reminded of the life of John the Baptist. For those unfamiliar with John he was the cousin of Jesus and was purposed by God to be the forerunner or "table-setter" for Jesus' ministry. Jesus described John in Matthew 11:11 by calling him the greatest to ever live who was born of a woman. So what made John so great? John fully utilized all the abilities that he possessed to point people to Jesus.

As you can imagine this was not easy for John because many came to him believing that he (not Jesus) was the Messiah (implying the desire to worship him) yet he stood resolute in his place in God's story and directed people to the One who could provide the hope they were longing to find. Many times John had to remind those closest to him that there was One coming (Jesus hadn't begun His public ministry) that was greater than him. His purpose was to decrease so that He (Jesus) might increase! Oh how I desire that to be said about me and about Discover Church.

Not sure if you are anything like me but I find myself many times fighting the desire to leverage my abilities to draw attention to me. That is one of the beautiful things about what we did Monday. We provided a service to the community of Jupiter/Gardens without receiving any compensation or payment but the simple joy of pointing people to the One who can be their hope! Eventually there will be dirt back on the cars and finger prints on the windows however what God did in the hearts of those you served selflessly will never dissipate.

Stepping out into the community and sharing the love of Christ in a practical way is a simple yet powerful message of what we value and who we are as a church! Thank you Discover Church for your sacrificial service, I am very proud to be your pastor! These are great days and many more ahead...

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