
10 Things I Really Care About part 2

Hey Discover Church, Merry Christmas to you and I look forward to sharing a "Not So Silent Night" with you Saturday night at 6pm!  Here is the second thing that I really really care about.  Remember I am sharing these things with you because I hope that you will:
1.  understand who we are more completely
2.  see this in who we are as a church
3.  work hard to align yourself and your practices around these things
4.  help us improve in these key areas

The second of the "10 Things I Really Care About" is Leading Through Teams.  Ministry in the local church is not intended to be like tennis but rather like baseball; it's a team sport! We are dependent on other team members in order to succeed.  See, God has wired us as relational people and intended us to function in coordination with others.  The apostle Paul described how Christians should function by using the human body as an illustration.  
Ephesians 4
15 Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. 16 He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.
Stating the obvious, a body is dependent on the other parts of the body to be healthy and to work properly.  We are able to do far more together than anyone of us could ever accomplish on our own.  Not only can we more done but it will also be far more complete.  

Think of it this way, each of us have unique talents, skills, abilities and spiritual gifts that have been entrusted to us from God. As each of us are involved in the work of the ministry we are able to pool our collective gifts, talents, etc together and present a more complete picture of who God is.  The opposite is also true.  If only a select few are involved in ministry then only a small portion of gifts, talents, etc are visible.  

I intend on leading every Discover Church'er towards discovering God's unique purpose for your life.   I know every one of you desire for your life to matter and to see this world changed by the power of Holy Spirit at work through you.  In order for this to occur you must tap into God's gifting for your life and offer it to the church body.  I believe in leading through teams because it is what is best for you and best for the church!  I do not want you to get involved in ministry to get a job done but rather for the job to get you done!  So what do you say?  If you are interested in getting involved in a deeper way email Leslie Smith, Director of Volunteers at Leslie@DiscoverChurchPBC.com and tell her you're ready to be a contributer and not simply a consumer!

You can click here to read Part 1 Commitment to Strong Biblical Teaching.

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