
Forgiveness? You, yes I am speaking to you...

So what do we do with where we have been?  How do I process past my past?  Because of the fight within us to journey onward and survive we will find ways (many are unhealthy) to "forget" or "suppress" but what if there was something so much greater available to you? The following thoughts are intended to assist you in experiencing true, biblical forgiveness.

Being sorry does not lead to forgiveness because that originates within us.  The identification with Jesus' death provides my acceptance to God.  Hebrews 10:14, "For by that one offering He forever made perfect those who are being made holy."  I am not in any way in a position to earn this forgiveness but because of the cross in the perfect place to receive it.  To attempt another way would be like beating on a door right next to the one that Jesus has opened.  As I pass through this door opened by the death of Jesus I am forgiven and this powerful moment is made visible because of the changed man!  "Atonement is a propitiation whereby God, through the death of Jesus, makes an unholy man holy" (Oswald Chambers).

If this seems too good to be true it is because you are seeing this correctly.  Not completely understanding something hasn't prevented us from learning to read, write, ride a bike or operate the smart phone in your purse.  If you have read this, you have enough information and access to truth to respond to it.

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